How can I choose the most suitable wallpaper for a room?
Faced with a portfolio of over 600 graphic designs, it may seem almost impossible to decide.
There are several criteria that need to be considered, for example the colour, the type of subject desired, the structural features of the room and the style of the project.
The guiding aspect that runs through all these elements is the taste of the customer, who chooses the atmosphere to be created.
Wallpapers produce the perfect decorative frame if placed in the right context, so it is essential to define the emotions to be recreate within a given space.
Studying a project according to an emotional criterion means giving it an energy and dynamism that can be transmitted to those who live in that environment.
In this regard, the division of Inkiostro Bianco wallpapers by style is a useful way to explore the brand’s catalogue and finding new and unexpected ideas and suggestions based on the project requirements.
We asked ourselves what the most frequent questions were and researches carried out by our customers, retailers and interior designers who choose Inkiostro Bianco and we thought that a different point of view from ours was important to improve more and more.
To satisfy our curiosity, we asked a professional, Architect Gaia Miacola, to tell us a few more details about her work to find out how architects and interior designers direct their choices on which wallpaper to apply in a given setting or project.